Teaching your dog the Stand in a manner that will build your dog’s drive and confidence will give you a fast prompt stand for his stay and return or call to heel. By adding games during every step of the stand training you will keep your dog energized and in an active state.
PDF Files to help your training!
Stand Points to Remember Stand PDF
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Before you begin check out and have ready any equipment you may need for the class. Treats, Toys, Collar, Leash etc.
Teaching the skill
Level 1: Place a short leash (approx. 4’) on your dog’s buckle collar.
- With your dog sitting, step into heel position.
- Hold the leash in your left hand with your arm and hand down at your left side.
- Tighten the leash so there is no slack between your dog’s collar and your left hand.
- With your weight on your right foot, move your left foot straight back WHILE giving a quick short pop backward on your leash. DO NOT try to move your foot into your dog and don’t try to move your dog with your leash.
- You can give a “back” command if your dog knows one.
- When your dog moves backward (kicks his rear feet back), praise your dog and give your dog a treat or release him to a toy. Use your Jump to Hand game as a release.
- Your dog will not move. If your dog will not move, teach your dog to go in the direction of the leash pressure. With your dog standing, put consistent backward pressure on the leash. It is helpful to keep the leash level to your dog’s top-line.
When your dog moves away from the pressure, even a single foot, praise your dog and repeat it until your dog is backing easily.
Have a friend stand on your dog’s left side and tap your dog’s back left foot with their foot. Reward your dog when he takes a step backward.
2. Your dog’s rear end keeps popping out away from you when you move your foot back. Use a short guide on the floor next to your dog. NOTE the position and distance of the guide for Slyder. Be careful not to crowd your dog with the guide. Ideally, keep the guide smaller than the dog’s elbow. Also make sure your dog is focused on you and not looking at the guide. Guides can be made from plastic gutters, rulers, etc.
Before progressing to the next Level –
- Stand quickly when you pop the leash back?
- Release after the stand with energy?
If the answer is no to either question you want to spend more time on this Level.
Level 2: Wean off left foot moving backwards and add duration before the release.
- Practice the Stand in new locations to help your dog generalize the skill.
- Continue to practice Level 1 with the leash pop backwards.
- Gradually wean off stepping backwards but continue to use the short quick pop backward with your leash.
- Add your verbal and or signal command once your dog starts to anticipate the stand.
- Start delaying your release or reward to start teaching your dog not to move.
- ALWAYS release your dog with a game to energize him off the Stand and make the skill fun!
Before progressing to the next Class –
- Stand quickly when you pop the leash backward?
- Stand in new locations?
- Release with energy?
- Knows and understands your verbal and/or signal command for a Stand?
If the answer is no to any of the above questions, you may want to spend more time on this Level.
For short dogs – Put your dog on an elevated surface like a 2-6 inch box and proceed as above. As your dog understands your step back and quick pop equal to his taking a step backwards, begin to gradually wean off the elevated surface. Using a solid leash (one that is short and rigid) works as well.
Enjoy teaching the Stand your dog!