Learn all my secrets to having a great, straight, fast, Go-Out for Obedience or Rally!
This class is only offered once a year!
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This is Part 1 of 2 parts. Directed jumping class will continue perfecting Go-Outs + add Directed Jumping.
This class has all you need to train HOW to teach, perfect, and proof the Go-Out.
(NOTE: Directed Jumping is taught in a separate class.)
What you get with this class:
*”How to Teach” videos and written instructions.
*Games to build desire and focus.
*Best ways to sequence, maintain desire, and build accuracy.
*Problem Solving common issues.
*Proofing, the last and best step for your success.
*Easy to use training log.
*Points to Remember PDF.
*Access to class content for 1 year.