Why do MY On Line Classes?

Top TEN Reasons why to Take MY On-Line classes


1   You cannot “attend” any of my classes because you do not live near me.

2    I will give you Individualized attention and rapid feedback on questions and videos.

3    You do not have to deal with driving at night or in bad weather.

4    My online courses enable you to learn at your own pace and with your preferred learning style.

5    My online course material is accessible to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

6    The online environment I have developed makes me easy to reach.

7    The Online courses allow me to give you a broad spectrum of content and resources.

8    You will be able to read the comments made by other students and see my replies and input.

9    You can learn and progress at your own pace.

10   and the top reason —- you get to train with me!!!!