WHO is Calling the Shots?

or Getting Control of a PUSHY Dog.

Building rapport and becoming an obvious leader figure by being consistent in all interactions with your dog is the best way to start getting a handle on that pushy pet.

Teach your dog to defer to you by sitting and waiting quietly for anything he wants.

This includes sitting and waiting for:
1. Food (mealtime) and treats
2. Petting and love
3. Grooming
4. Going out of or coming in (including entrances, exits, crates, doors, cars, etc.)
5. Putting on and taking off the leash
6. Being invited onto a piece of your furniture (if desired)
7. Playing games with your and/or playing with toys
8. Any kind of attention
9. Anything and everything your dog wants!

Eliminate problem behaviors such as jumping up on you or mounting.

  • Discourage and correct all jumping up.
  •  Watch for signs that precede any jumping or mounting behavior.
  • As soon as possible redirect your dog to different behavior. For example, as soon as you see an intent to jump up or mount, redirect your dog to play ball or ask your dog for a sit and stay. Have your dog continue to sit and stay until he relaxes.

Deter all “attention seeking” behavior.

  • Set aside 3 to 4 times during the day to specifically interact with your dog. During this time, exercise your dog’s mind and body. For example, practice obedience or agility training followed by an exhausting physical game such as fetching a ball or frisbee, cycling, swimming or jogging your dog. You want your dog to be both mentally and physically worn out when you are finished.
  • Unless it is “his time” to interact with you, ignore your dog. If your dog approaches and waits for your attention in a calm manner, reward him with praise and brief (10 seconds or less) petting.
  • If your dog pushes you for attention, move away and ignore him. If he makes it impossible for you to ignore him, put him in a crate or in another room.
  • Avoid inadvertently giving your dog attention when he subtly demands it from you! For example, resist the temptation to reach out and stroke your dog if he leans on you. Instead, move away from him. If you are distracted during reading or watching TV, make sure you don’t reach out and stroke him if he is soliciting attention from you.

You will discover, if used properly, a puppy crate and a leash are both useful training tools and keep your house a happy place for your new puppy or dog.

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #21

#21 heeling
Heeling Progression
Raise Hand Shoulder
and Wean OFF Treat

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Coming UP – NEW Training TIP

Weaning off treat hand close to your dog – This process will take time but it is worth your patience.

  • Your last hand position will be treat hand in heel and bent so your hand is at your shoulder.
  • Once your dog is moving with his head up focus for 20+ steps, move your hand up again so your arm/hand are shoulder height and repeat Steps 1-3 with your hand in the “new” position.
  • After this step, the treat in your left hand will be weaned off over several training sessions.
  • NOTE: the final hand position may also be used in Line-Ups for focus and is addressed further in the Fronts&Finish class.
  • Take your time with each step and build a solid foundation.  When problems arise down the road, it will be these foundations that you will fall back on.
  • Building foundations takes time and rewards. Be patient!
  • Adding skills BEFORE your dog has a true understanding of straight line heel will only confuse your dog and decrease his confidence.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – 22 – Handling Cues RIGHT ABOUT Pivots & Teaching

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #20

20 first step
Heeling video 20 Teaching
First Step Of Heeling With FOCUS!

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The First Step is the beginning of your heeling.  It can make or break a performance.  Take Extra care in training the first step!

When heeling, my goal is to have heads up attention from my dog.  This criteria implies that my dog’s head remains up when we do the first step off into heeling.  It is for this reason that I like to practice the first step of heeling separately from other skills.

Once adding starts or the first step from a sit into a heeling sequence, I randomly reward just the start to keep my dog energized, focused, and ready to heel.  When training, if you start heeling from a sit, you must make sure your criteria are being met, OR instead play with your dog and then fall into heeling without doing a sit.

Footwork for the First Step

  • Start with your weight slightly on the balls of your feet. The left foot will start the step off to heel. This is the leg closest to your dog and is easiest for him to pick up the cue.
  • As you are stepping off, present a treat in your right hand saying “get it” for your dog. Your dog will jump up and slightly forward to the toy/treat.
  • Bringing the toy/treat forward and up will encourage your dog to drive off his rear end in order to get the reward.
  • NOTE: watch over rotation of your shoulders as you present the dog’s reward.
  • Play and engage before repeating the “start”.  DESIRE first.
  • Commands for the first step – Say your command and THEN step off with your left foot.  When showing, I actually like to take a breath and then step off.
  • When working on starts, watch your line-up to start your training.  That is, a sit in heel is still a sit in heel and should be to your criteria and with heads up focus.
  • Keep your weight on your toes and step straight forward on the first step. NO rocking back on your heels before stepping off. Rocking back on your heels can delay your step off and a responsive dog will seem to anticipate commands.
  • Make sure to say your command, take a breath, and then step off.  This gives your dog a second to process the command and react accordingly.
  • Keep starts FUN! Add games and upward releases on your first step of heeling randomly throughout your dog’s career.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – 21 – Heeling progression – raised hand and wean off of treat in hand

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #19

19 left pivot Heeling video 19 – Left Pivot
Handling & Teaching
Note in photo you can see Poe’s right rear leg behind me. GREAT REA at work!


When doing a Left Pivot:

  • Shift your weight to your left leg, look left, and move your right foot perpendicular to your left foot.
  • Your dog will learn that this shift indicates a left pivot/turn is going to begin.
  • Step 1, move your right foot perpendicular to your left foot and place the ball of your right foot against your left toe (Similar to a T-step).
  • Step 2, place your left heel against your right heel making sure to point your left foot in the direction that you will be going or sending your dog.
  • Step 3, bring your right foot up against and even with your left foot.

Teaching the Left Pivot

  • Have your dog on your left side. With your leash taut and hand low on the leash close to the snap hook with the palm of your hand flat on the front side of the leash.  Leash Reining ….
  • Small dog? Use a solid leash.
  • To start the pivot, shift your weight to your left leg and rein leash.
  • Reward your dog up to a treat or a toy that is under your left arm. Build desire!
  • Make sure that your dog is looking up and always watching you when making the turn.
  • Play and interact with your dog before trying the pivot again.  This play takes pressure off your dog as well as builds desire in training.
  • When training the Left Pivot, reward randomly on the different steps in the turn. I.e. move your first foot and reward, before completing the turn reward, and so on.
  • Only add a sit to the pivot once your dog understands how to move on your weight shift and turn while keeping his head up and focused on you.
  • Spend extra time working and rewarding the leash pressure skill before putting it into Pivots.

PLEASE add YOUR comments Below!

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – First Step of Heeling & FOCUS!

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #18

18 rea
Heeling video 18
REA Progression
Move To Ground


REA reduce to flat ground & starting left circle

  • Review where you left off on your last session before replacing box with paper.
  • Replace your reduced box with a piece of paper on the ground.  This is a marker more for you than your dog.
  • Continue to have treats in the left hand, palm up.  This is how you would hold your hand/arm when heeling.
  • Restart your dog and as your dog gets onto paper, and reward your dog a few times for getting on the paper.
  • Once ready and your dog is anticipating going to your side, move hand next to your side and step forward with the foot furthest from your dog.
  • With your dog next to you, slowly start to move in a tight circle rewarding and praising your dog in heel.
  • While weaning off the box, take your time and do not reduce or eliminate box too quickly.
  • Make sure your dog is OFFERING rear end movement before progressing.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – Left Pivots – Handling and Teaching

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #17

17 heel progress hand up
Heeling video 17
Heeling Progression
Wean Off/Raise Hand

Weaning off treat hand close to your dog – This process will take time but it is worth your patience and needed to get great heeling.

  • Once your dog is moving with his head up focus for 20+ steps and in a number of new low distracting locations, it’s time to start to move your hand up approximately one foot.
  • Repeat the steps you have already done with your hand in the “new” position.  That is, review foundations and then do 1 repetition with hand low and then raise your hand one foot.
  • Work only in a straight line OR if space is limited, in a very large circle with your dog on the outside of the circle with NO SITS.
  • Once your dog is successful, confident and loads of DESIRE built raise your treat hand up another foot in heel position and repeat Steps above.
  • DO NOT progress if your dog is not focused and happy.
  • Your last hand position will be your left hand in heel and bent so your hand is at your shoulder.
  • Take your time with each step and build a solid foundation.  When problems arise down the road, it will be these foundations that you will fall back on.
  • Adding additional skills before desire and duration are built on straight lines. Building foundations takes time and rewards. Be patient!

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – REA progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Give IT Back!

give It can be so irritating when your dog grabs something he should not have.  Often it becomes a struggle to get the object back.  Wouldn’t it be great not to have to fight and chase your dog when he picks up something he shouldn’t have! Just teach your dog to “Give it Back!”.

When teaching your dog to give you an object, have him on a leash and let him drag it so he can not run away.

Important reminders:

  • Do not chase, corner, or grab your dog.
  • During the teaching phase, use objects that are of low value to your dog and use high value treats for your dog. Make sure your dog is more excited about the treats that the object, even if you have to use tuna, liver, or steak!
  • Give your dog several treats or even a handful of treats in exchange for the object.
  • Choose a cue word such as “out,” “give,” or “drop it.” Use this word each time you ask your dog to give up an object and be sure to reward him for letting go of it.

Steps for teaching your dog to relinquish objects on command:

  • Use an object of low value to your dog. Drop the object and see if your dog will pick it up. Walk toward your dog and say your cue word. As you say your cure word, toss a few high value treats towards him and walk past.  Make sure to maintain a distance of at least six feet from your dog as you approach and then continue to walk past. Do not try to take the object from your dog. Practice this several times each day with different types of objects until your dog will leave the object and go eat the treats.
  • Repeat the above and this time wait to give you cue word until you are a little closer than before. Now, say your cue word and toss several treats toward your dog. Repeat this exercise gradually getting closer and closer to your dog each time until you can say your cue work and then drop the treats right next to your dog. Remember to use a variety of objects and high value treats. Do not try to take any of the objects from your dog.
  • Once your dog is doing well dropping the object and going to the treats, toss your dog another low value object. This time walk up to your dog. Do not use your cue work until you are standing next to him. Say your cue word, and drop several or a handful of high value treats to the ground. As he is eating the treats, gently bend down and pick up the object. Practice this exercises a number of times with objects of different values for your dog.
  • Put treats in your pocket before you begin this exercise. Toss your dog a toy or object of low value. Make sure that he will pick up the object. Walk up to your dog and when you are next to him, give him your cue word. When your dog releases the object, remove the treats from your pocket, and drop them next to your dog. As your dog is eating the treats, pick up the object. Practice this exercises using an assortment of items with varied value to your dog.
  • Again put the treats in your pocket. Toss your dog a toy or another item of low value. Walk up to your dog and when you are next to him, give him your cue word. When he releases the object, give him several treats and pick up the object. After he eats the treats, return the object to him. Repeat your cue word and feed, him several treats after he releases the object. Again, pick up the object and return it to him. Practice only two exchanges in the beginning. If your dog willingly gives up the object, increase the number of exchanges until your dog willing gives up the object a half a dozen times.
  • Once your dog willingly gives up all types of objects begin to vary the types of treats you use. Sometimes use ordinary dog food and sometimes use really good treats such as steak. Over time, randomly reward your dog with treats for letting go of the object.

With time and training your dog will be HAPPY to “GIVE IT BACK”.

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #16

16 right pivot intro
Heeling video 16
Handling cues RIGHT Pivot
Footwork & Intro Teaching

PIVOTS are the foundation of ALL turns in heeling whether you are doing Rally or Obedience. I have found that most teams have difficulty performing turns because the handler’s cues are incorrect or inconsistent. These difficulties in turns show up big time when I ask my students for a pivot. When my students do pivots correctly, their turns improve about 90%.
Right Pivot consists of 3 steps. Always start with your foot OPPOSITE to the direction of the turn. I.e., if you are going to pivot to the RIGHT, start with your left foot.

Your pivot should always start and end in the same place.  A small dot on the floor will help you to make sure that your pivot remains in place.

  • The weight shift is the first cue your dog receives so it is VERY important.
  • The second cue is my eyes/head turning to “LOOK” where we are going on my second step.
  • The third cue is the first movement/step I take.

Building desire – When I begin to teach the RIGHT PIVOT, the first thing I want to do is build a DESIRE for dog to LOVE the skill. Same when wanting to improve a skill. When you are building desire, you want to use something the dog loves. In other words, pair what you want them to love with something they already love.

NOTE: If you are wanting to improving turns, first work on your pivots and add loads of games to all steps in the pivot to build DESIRE. In other words, do NOT just reward the end of the pivot or the sit.

Teaching the Right Pivot

  • Have your dog at your left side and place your hand low on the leash close to the snap hook with the palm of your hand flat and your hand on the backside of the leash. This enables you to use a forward reining action.
  • Small dog? Use a solid leash. This is a leash that is attached to a stick or dowel rod. Using a solid lead will aid in the forward pressure.
  • As you think about the weight shift to your right foot, apply reining pressure forward on your leash. Your dog should start movement with the weight shift/leash pressure and BEFORE your left foot leaves the ground!
  • Turn your left foot to make an angled T-step with your right foot. This step will turn your shoulders to the right.
  • NOTE: Make sure that your dog is always watching you at all times when making the turn.
  • Reward your dog by releasing up to a treat or toy to build desire.
  • When training the Right Pivot, reward randomly on the different steps in the turn. I.e., move your first foot and reward, before completing the turn reward, and so on.
  • Only add a sit to the pivot once your dog understands to move with your weight shift and turn while keeping his head up and focused on you.
  • Remember to break and play with your dog during each “step” when teaching ANG training. This will build desire and keep your dog’s head up.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – heeling progression – starting to raise left hand 

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #15

15 weight shift
Heeling video 15
Weight Shift
A Turning Secret!

What is the “Weight Shift” – This is the first cue to your dog letting him know you are getting ready to turn and in which direction you will be going.   The cue is when you shift your weight to one leg in order to pick up the other prior to the actual turn.  As you shift your weight, it’s slightly shifts your position to either the right or the left, giving your dog a “cue”.

Teaching Weight Shift

When my dog will readily move with the pressure, I pair leash reining with the Weight Shift.  This teaches my dog the “pre-cue” for all pivots and turns.

  • Start with your dog next to you on your left side (Not in a sit) and  on a short leash with no slack in it.
  • The leash runs from the dog’s collar, up my palm with my thumb holding the leash.
  • For any movement to the left, I place my left hand on the leash with my knuckles forward and shift my weight to my left leg.
  • For any movement to the right, I place my left hand on the leash, but this time my palm is forward, and my weight will shift to my right leg.
  • Little dog? I use a solid leash for small dogs.  This is a dowel rod that has a leash attached to it at both ends.  The handler uses it with the same directions as regular reining on a leash.
  • The only motion is the weight shift, your feet DO NOT move.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – handling cues pivots foot work right pivot build desire  

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #14

heeling 14
Heeling video 14
REA progression – starting to reduce box


  • Review foundations and then reduce height of box by ½.
  • Once your dog is OVER ROTATING his rear end, it is time to gradually reduce the height and size of the box.
  • If using a book, rip off half of the pages making the book half as tall.
  • Continue to train the REA until your dog is consistent with the skill.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – Adding Auto Sits – Halts

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley