Bump Up Serp Drill
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling
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Bump It UP Serpentine Drill
Once you have taught the Serpentine and circles, you can start to introduce Serpentines
When training, remember to:
- Use your games and rewards DURING training to keep values high and focus intense when practicing.
- Think more about training and REWARDING the individual skills rather than just doing a sign.
- Cones are DISTRACTIONS! Add in DIG work to the training once your dog is confident with the skills AND in new locations.
- Play with your dog between reps and keep training FUN!
- With your dog in heel, start heeling slowly in the serpentine. Randomly pick one of the cones to do a complete circle around and then go back to doing the serpentine.
- Add in a lot of rewarding and playing, then fall back into heeling in the serpentine.
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