Heeling Tips & Tricks #46 Moto Pop Intro – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

46 moto popTeaching and Introducing a
Motivational POP

How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Motivation Pop Introduction

  • Have your dog on leash and in a relaxed position.  Your dog does not have to be in heel position or in a sit.
  • Place toy to drop and play.  Use a treat pocket as an alternate.
  • Hold your leash in your left hand.  Make sure that you leash is relatively short and your dog on a buckle collar.
  • Lightly pop up on the leash multiple times in rapid manner Then drop the toy/pocket and play.  We want him to know the pop is fun.
  • Repeat a few times until the “pop” has established value.
  • The goal is to see your dog look at you for his reward when you lightly pop up on the leash.
  • The motivational pop is also an attention or try harder cue.  If your dog is not looking up at you, use light rapid pops until you gain his attention. Reward and release and play.
  • I find this especially useful during turns.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 47 – Bump Up Figure 8

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #45 Sequencing Heeling – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

45 sequencing heeling
Sequencing Heeling for Teaching and Perfecting
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Sequencing For Perfect Heeling

When starting to sequence skills together, I always want to make sure that:

  • My dog understands MY criteria for all skills to be sequenced.
  • My dog shows “DESIRE” to do the skill. This means he cannot wait to do it!
  • I only sequence 2 “new” skills at a time.
  • Once I have added those skills and my dog is performing the 2 sequenced skills, I randomly reward my dog to maintain the “desire” in each skill.
  • There are always LOADS of reward and games to keep training fun and short sessions.
  • A training session might look something like this.  For this session, I will be sequencing a halt into straight line heeling.
      • At the start of my training, I will make sure my dog is engaged and ready to work.
      • We play and then fall into straight line heeling slow pace. Fall into heeling means, I do not SIT my dog and then start heeling. Hahaha. That would actually be sequencing a sit into the start of heeling and a totally different training session.
      • Once we are slowly heeling, I will do a game and play and then go back into slow heeling.
      • Making sure my dog is focused and in an active state of mind, I will say “SIT” as I plant my left foot and bring my right foot up to stop. More on “adding sits” to heeling later in class.
      • I will immediately praise and reward my dog while in the sit and then break into a game.
      • Only when my dog is proficient and confident doing the slow straight line heeling into a halt will I try the same training in a normal pace. It is all this extra time spent on the “FUNdation” that creates the “DESIRE” to love heeling. Hahaha. Yes, I love to make up words! “FUNdation” is fun and foundation work.
      • Beginning to sequence skills BEFORE sufficient DESIRE has been built may result into poor attitude and focus.   Take your time to build up “DESIRE” for a skill before adding it to other skills or in a sequence. In order to build it sufficiently, use really high value treats/toys. Make sure your dog is hungry and wants your attention. With time and patience, your dog will LOVE the skill.

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Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #44 Teaching the Figure 8 – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

fig 8
Figure 8 Teaching and Perfecting
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Figure 8 Teaching 

While doing a Figure 8, it is important to look where you are going.  When you are looking where you are going, it turns your head and shoulders which in turn gives your dog the information that you are turning. Looking where you are going the second before turning gives your dog a “pre-cue” full of information.

  • Play with your dog and fall into heeling.  NO starts from a sit until your dog is perfect!
  • Practice one side or part at a time.  Once your dog has mastered each post, i.e. inside and outside post, add the two together and do a Figure 8.
  • Mix up which way you go when starting the Figure 8.  Sometimes go to the outside post while other ties go to the inside post.  This helps keep your dog focused and interested.
  • Once your dog will do the Figure 8 to your criteria, begin working on the start.  Add games on or soon after the first step to keep your dog focused on you.
  • If your dog lags on the outside post. Use more games on the outside of the post.  Games would be releasing forward of heel position.  This will help teach your dog to drive off his rear on the outside post.
  • Your dog is slow to start. Use more games up and forward on your first step of heeling.  Teach your dog to LOVE the first step!

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Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #43 Figure 8 Handling – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

43 fig 8 handling
Figure 8 Handling
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Figure 8 HANDLER CUES – Think of the Figure 8 as two straight lines through the middle and half circles on the outside.

When practicing your Figure 8 footwork, place chalk lines or yard sticks in an X in the center so you can gauge your steps.

While you are doing a Figure 8, as you move around one post and are close to finishing the half circle, LOOK at the base on the next post you are traveling to in order to help you set your line.


  • Looking where you are going when practicing the Figure 8 will shift your weight and cue your dog.
  • Walk heel, ball, and toe.
  • Look 1-2′ in front of you and on the ground while practicing your footwork.
  • Looking where you want to go turns your head and shoulders which gives your dog the information that you are turning.
  • Keep your feet close to each other as you round the corner.
  • Maintain an equal distance as you are walking around a post.
  • Practice in slow pace until your footwork is second nature before going at a normal pace.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 44 – Teaching Figure 8

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #42 Left LEG Test – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

42 left leg
Left LEG Test
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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This is a fun drill I love to use once my dog understands HOW to heel.

  • Grab your dog, leash, and treat/toy.
  • Start this drill in slow pace and use a normal pace only once you are sure your dog knows his heeling job.
  • With your dog at your left, take a step or start a turn with your left leg.
  • Your dog should stay next to your leg.
  • You can move your left leg back as well.
  • OR your right leg forward.  HaHaHa.  Your dog should stay on your left leg and not move when your right moves.
  • This is a drill that will test your dog’s ability to stay in heel position regardless of where or how you move.
  • Have fun with this drill.  Think of it as “if I do this, can you do it too?”

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Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #41 DIG Adding Turns – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

41 dig turns
DIG adding Turns
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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DIG Work adding Turns Closer to Barrier

Reminders – DIG is an introduction into proofing and can determine how your dog responds to pressure. It is teaching your dog how to be successful when faced with new locations, environments, and or people. In addition, it is teaching your dog that distractions both visual and auditory, are a rewarding cue to your dog.

Pay close attention to discover what your dog’s threshold is in a variety of environments and situations! The threshold or distance from a distraction your dog can remain focused may vary. Some dogs work comfortably 10 feet from a distraction while others need more distance or space.

Working with distractions will help your dog become confident and will enable him to concentrate and successfully do his “job” and focus on you in many different situations or new locations. After all, the “ring” is a continually changing new environment.

This skill cannot be rushed! Work on the DIG skill a few minutes in every training session.

DIG ~ Introduce Turns

  • First, your dog needs to know turning concept.
  • Start heeling out of play.  RESIST the habit of always starting your heeling with your dog in an SIT!
  • Heel forward and release your dog as you are turning. The idea is to make the heads up in the turn desirable.
  • Always video to check your timing as well as your dog’s focus.
  • Signs of barrier stress of lack of confidence can include: your dog dropping his head, changing his gait, ears going back, his mouth closed or opened, etc.  Basically any sign that he knows you are approaching something.
  • Reminder: your dog may not actually LOOK at the barrier. In most cases a dog gives “PRE” signs before actually looking. Your job is to be able to see the PRE signs!
  • Please take your time when teaching and training DIG to your dog.

Only when your dog is confident should you heel closer to an object or barrier. As your dog becomes confident with heeling towards barriers of all types, start practicing different heeling paces towards the objects. Continue to build your dog’s confidence by building on success!

HOW do you know when your dog is confident? Your dog will exhibit an increase in focus. In other words, he will increase his intensity or look harder at you. If you are having a hard time seeing this, ask a friend to watch or better yet video yourself and see the difference in your dog’s posture and focus. ONLY when you see this increase intensity should you move to the next step and move closer to the barrier.

Use a consequence, like the “U-Missed It” Game, when your dog is not giving 100% effort or loses attention. Tell your dog to “get it” when he is not looking or has gotten distracted. The second he looks back or focuses on you, start to tease him and say something like “ha ha you missed it.” Be theatrical with the toy or treat but DO NOT let him have it. Pretend to eat the treat or play by yourself with the toy. Repeat the skill where he lost focus. Reward him when he offers you more effort and focus.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 42  Left Leg TEST!

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #40 – Bump Up Serpentine Drill – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

40 bump up serp
Bump Up Serp Drill
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Bump It UP Serpentine Drill
Once you have taught the Serpentine and circles, you can start to introduce Serpentines

When training, remember to:

  • Use your games and rewards DURING training to keep values high and focus intense when practicing.
  • Think more about training and REWARDING the individual skills rather than just doing a sign.
  • Cones are DISTRACTIONS! Add in DIG work to the training once your dog is confident with the skills AND in new locations.
  • Play with your dog between reps and keep training FUN!
  • With your dog in heel, start heeling slowly in the serpentine.   Randomly pick one of the cones to do a complete circle around and then go back to doing the serpentine.
  • Add in a lot of rewarding and playing, then fall back into heeling in the serpentine.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 41 DIG Work adding TURNS

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #39 – BOX Drill – Circles – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

39 box drill
Box Drill Circle Work
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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BOX DRILL – Circles Teaching – This is a great way to start adding circles to this set up.

  • Begin by placing 4 objects such as cones or chairs about 6-10 ft. apart in a box layout or pattern.
  • Start each repetition with your dog moving into heel position from play. NO SITS or starts for a sit!
  • Practice at a slow pace if needed to ensure your dog is confident.
  • Start by rewarding your dog every time you do one turn.  Release your dog, upward either during or after the turn.  Doing so will build and maintain DESIRE and Focus during turns.
  • Work on all right circles or all lefts circles at a time. Do not mix turns together at this stage.
  • Be sure to cue your dog for each turn and use reining the leash as needed.
  • Repetition of circles will help your dog see and recognize your cues for each turn as well as adding duration in heeling.
  • Increase to normal pace ONLY only number of circles after you have built duration and desire at slow pace doing all four turns.
  • If your dog is distracted by the cones/chairs.  Move further form the cones of chairs when teaching and make it easier for your dog to succeed while concentrating on the turn.
  • If your dog is not using his rear end on left turns.  Practice more Rear End Awareness found in the Must Have tab.  Make sure your dog is offering the motion before progressing with turns.  Also, use reining the leash to help teach your dog the cue.
  • If your dog is dropping his head on right turns. Play more games in the middle of the turn. The Thumb Touch found in the Must Haves tab, is also a great tool to teach heads up on turns. TT in the middle of the turn.

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Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #38 – DIG Right Turns – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

38 Dig right
Right Turn DIG

How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Often a distraction can cause your dog to lose focus, to worry, or even create a negative experience for your dog.  However, distracting situations are a perfect time for you to turn a possible “negative” experience for your dog into a “positive” one.  If trained appropriately, not only will your dog become more confident, but he will “try harder” and learn to focus more intensely on you no matter what the situation.

DIG is an introduction into proofing and can determine how your dog responds to pressure. It is teaching your dog how to be successful when faced with new locations, environments, and or people. In addition, it is teaching your dog that distractions both visual and auditory, are a rewarding cue to your dog.

This skill cannot be rushed! Work on the DIG skill a few minutes in every training session.

DIG ~ Introduce RIGHT Turn

  • BEFORE training the DIG with the RIGHT Turn, make sure your dog needs to know the RIGHT turn concept.
  • Start heeling out of play.  RESIST the habit of always starting your heeling with your dog in an SIT!
  • Heel forward staying at least 10-12” laterally from barrier.
  • As you do the RIGHT Turn, reward and release your dog DURING the turn.  The idea is to make the heads up in the turn desirable.
  • PRE signs of a head drop/lose of focus, can include: your dog dropping his head, changing his gait, ears going back, his mouth closed or opened, etc. Basically any sign that he knows you are approaching something.  Your dog may not actually LOOK at the barrier.  In most cases a dog gives “PRE” signs before actually looking. Your job is to be able to see the PRE signs!
  • Please take your time when teaching and training DIG to your dog.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 39 – BOX DRILL Circle work Teaching

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #37 – Left TURN BOXES – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

37 left box
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Teaching BOX Drill Left Turn
BOX DRILL – This is a great way to start adding DURATION and sequence your LEFT turn while still building DESIRE.  

  • Begin by placing 4 objects such as cones or chairs about 6-10 ft. apart in a box layout or pattern.
  • Start each repetition with your dog moving into heel position from play.  NO SITS or starts for a sit!
  • Practice at a slow pace BEFORE starting to sequence LEFT Turns in normal heeling pace.
  • Start by rewarding your dog in every turn.  Doing so will build and maintain DESIRE and Focus during turns.
  • Add Duration by doing 2 turns in a row.  Then go to 3 turns with a game and then 4 turns with a reward.  This is also when you will start to RANDOMLY RREWARD.
  • Be sure to cue your dog for each turn and watch your dog’s focus and desire.
  • Repetition of the LEFT turn will help your dog see and recognize your cues for each turn as well as adding duration in heeling.
  • Increase to normal pace ONLY after your dog is focused and confident while doing this drill.
  • If your dog is distracted. move further form the cones etc. and make it easier for your dog to succeed while concentrating on the turn.   This is also telling you to build more desire as well before getting more distractions.
  • If your dog is dropping his head on the LEFT turns, play more games in the middle of the turn.  This will build desire in the turn.

HEELING Training SECRET – The weight shift is the important part of my turn cue.  When I shift my weight, I want my dog to understand my change of direction the second I start to shift my weight.  Remember that Pivots are the foundations for all turns.  NEVER be afraid to review and refresh Pivot skills on a regular basis throughout the career of your dog.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 38 – DIG Right TURNS Work Teaching

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley