Heeling video 18
REA Progression
Move To Ground
REA reduce to flat ground & starting left circle
- Review where you left off on your last session before replacing box with paper.
- Replace your reduced box with a piece of paper on the ground. This is a marker more for you than your dog.
- Continue to have treats in the left hand, palm up. This is how you would hold your hand/arm when heeling.
- Restart your dog and as your dog gets onto paper, and reward your dog a few times for getting on the paper.
- Once ready and your dog is anticipating going to your side, move hand next to your side and step forward with the foot furthest from your dog.
- With your dog next to you, slowly start to move in a tight circle rewarding and praising your dog in heel.
- While weaning off the box, take your time and do not reduce or eliminate box too quickly.
- Make sure your dog is OFFERING rear end movement before progressing.
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