Teaching & DESIRE
Intro Serpentine Work
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Serpentine Heeling Drill – This drill will help teach your dog how to move forward (drive rear) and still be able to slow forward motion with REA. This drill also starts adding duration to your heeling.
Serpentine Set Up – Set out 4-5 cones, posts or chairs approximately 6-8 feet apart and in a straight line. When practicing your footwork, keep an even distance as you go between the cones, posts or chairs. Similarly to the footwork for a figure 8, as you move around one post, look at the next post to help you set your line.
Teaching Serpentine Drill
- Start with your dog on your left side in a sit, stand or from play. Resist always starting form a sit position.
- Begin heeling forward in slow pace.
- While heeling, make gradual turns around each cone. These are rounded turns.
- Cue your dog for every turn and watch that your dog is maintaining heel position. I.e., your dog should speedup when turning right, and slow down and pivoting his rear end on left turns.
- Break and play often while and DURING your serpentine training to keep your dog’s desire and focus high.
- Use reining the leash to help your dog learn your cues and how to stay in heel position.
- As you both perfect serpentine heeling, begin to practice it in a normal pace.
- Remember, when you present the reinforcement, the dog gets it, there is no luring or holding the treat by your side as you take steps … when the treat comes across, the dog gets it.
- Energize your dog during training so that your dog maintains his attitude and desire to want to do the skill. Keep sessions short, fun, and full of energy and play.
PLEASE add YOUR comments Below!
YouTube is saying the video is “private” and won’t let me see it! 🤨. Very secret serpentines! 🤣
hahaha … yes very secret … had it set for incorrect time and date … should go live in a few minutes 12:30 … thanks for lett me know and enjoy!!!!