Left LEG Test
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling
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This is a fun drill I love to use once my dog understands HOW to heel.
- Grab your dog, leash, and treat/toy.
- Start this drill in slow pace and use a normal pace only once you are sure your dog knows his heeling job.
- With your dog at your left, take a step or start a turn with your left leg.
- Your dog should stay next to your leg.
- You can move your left leg back as well.
- OR your right leg forward. HaHaHa. Your dog should stay on your left leg and not move when your right moves.
- This is a drill that will test your dog’s ability to stay in heel position regardless of where or how you move.
- Have fun with this drill. Think of it as “if I do this, can you do it too?”
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