Heeling Tips & Tricks #45 Sequencing Heeling – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

45 sequencing heeling
Sequencing Heeling for Teaching and Perfecting
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Sequencing For Perfect Heeling

When starting to sequence skills together, I always want to make sure that:

  • My dog understands MY criteria for all skills to be sequenced.
  • My dog shows “DESIRE” to do the skill. This means he cannot wait to do it!
  • I only sequence 2 “new” skills at a time.
  • Once I have added those skills and my dog is performing the 2 sequenced skills, I randomly reward my dog to maintain the “desire” in each skill.
  • There are always LOADS of reward and games to keep training fun and short sessions.
  • A training session might look something like this.  For this session, I will be sequencing a halt into straight line heeling.
      • At the start of my training, I will make sure my dog is engaged and ready to work.
      • We play and then fall into straight line heeling slow pace. Fall into heeling means, I do not SIT my dog and then start heeling. Hahaha. That would actually be sequencing a sit into the start of heeling and a totally different training session.
      • Once we are slowly heeling, I will do a game and play and then go back into slow heeling.
      • Making sure my dog is focused and in an active state of mind, I will say “SIT” as I plant my left foot and bring my right foot up to stop. More on “adding sits” to heeling later in class.
      • I will immediately praise and reward my dog while in the sit and then break into a game.
      • Only when my dog is proficient and confident doing the slow straight line heeling into a halt will I try the same training in a normal pace. It is all this extra time spent on the “FUNdation” that creates the “DESIRE” to love heeling. Hahaha. Yes, I love to make up words! “FUNdation” is fun and foundation work.
      • Beginning to sequence skills BEFORE sufficient DESIRE has been built may result into poor attitude and focus.   Take your time to build up “DESIRE” for a skill before adding it to other skills or in a sequence. In order to build it sufficiently, use really high value treats/toys. Make sure your dog is hungry and wants your attention. With time and patience, your dog will LOVE the skill.

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😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next VIDEO – 46 – Bump Up Figure 8

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2 thoughts on “Heeling Tips & Tricks #45 Sequencing Heeling – Teaching & Building  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling”

  1. Thanks Debby for all your excellent tips! I have a Yorkie puppy who will hugely benefit from them!

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