Pressure & Your Dog 2023 Platinum

Learn the Formula to Pressure & your dog!  Learn what pressure is and the different reactions that pressure can create.

Teach your dog that PRESSURE = FUN!

Does your dog feel PRESSURE when people/dogs are nearby?   

Does your dog STRESS in new Locations or the Ring?   Do you get that Deer in the Headlight look?   Yep that is PRESSURE TOO!   

Is your dog unable to stay focused and be confident at a distance?   In a Sit, down, stand, stay line or on tables or contacts?   It’s all PRESSURE! 

Learn all about pressure, how it affects your dog AND how to teach your dog to LOVE and work through PRESSURE.  Sign Up NOW!

Registration for this Webinar will be LIMITED!   

The Webinar will run 11/6/23

Join me in this fun Webinar to learn how to get the most out of your dog when he is under pressure. 
 Confident, Focused, Successful.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to “PRESSURE & YOUR Dog!”

What you get with this Webinar:
  • Access to webinar recording until 12/31/23.
  • Learn how to see when your dog is under pressure.
  • Get the best way to introduce pressure to your dog. 
  • Games to teach your dog to overcome pressure/stress.
  • Learn HOW to use Pressure to your advantage.
  • Drills to practice and build confidence.
  • Learn the formal on how pressure free your dog.
  • Formula to build a solid training plan.
  • PDF files to help you organize.
  • This webinar will be recorded, Questions can be submitted using the “Question Box” while viewing the webinar and will be available for 48 hours.  Answers will be posted after the question form has closed.  
  • SPECIAL Platinum Webinar costs is $9.95 
  • Webinar length: 45-60 minutes with “How To” video clips

Only Platinum members have access to this membership.
Please contact me if you are having problems. DebbyQ