What are YOUR most important foundational skills?

What are YOUR most important foundational skills?

Over the years, many people have asked me what I train first with a new puppy or dog. First, I feel it is important to build a relationship and rapport with the new pup. To do this, I play games, such as COOKIE TOSS game and tug. Although I do some other behaviors, such as … Continue reading “What are YOUR most important foundational skills?”



Dogs are naturally pack animals. In a family situation with people, a dominant/pushy dog may “test” his place in the pack by asserting himself.  This may be done in subtle ways such as nudging your hand for petting, stealing objects or going out doors before you do.  More extreme ways he may assert himself  can … Continue reading “LEADER OF THE PACK”

Maintaining Focus

Maintaining Focus

Attention and focus can make or break a performance. It is hard for your dog to learn, perform a skill or exercise correctly, if you do not have his complete attention. When training, insist that your dog pay 100 percent attention to you, and be alert for any breaks in focus that may happen. Once … Continue reading “Maintaining Focus”

Balance in YOUR Training

Balance  in YOUR Training

To establish balance in training, one should understand the difference between “regimented training” and “motivational training.” Regimented training often has precise steps with a beginning and an end. Many times “regimented training” is applied to all dogs regardless of the dog’s maturity, ability and without consideration of the dog’s natural drive or willingness to please. … Continue reading “Balance in YOUR Training”

Decide WHAT you want to Accomplish BEFORE you Grab your DOG!

Decide WHAT you want to Accomplish BEFORE you Grab your DOG!

Before you begin to train,   consider exactly what you want to train.   What do you want to accomplish during your training session?     For example if you are training or reviewing a sit with your dog, consider the following questions: How will you cue the command?  Will you give your dog a … Continue reading “Decide WHAT you want to Accomplish BEFORE you Grab your DOG!”

Bringing a New Puppy Home

Bringing a New Puppy Home

What is the best way to bring a new puppy or dog into your household? Rapport and Control As soon as you bring home your new dog or puppy, immediately start building a relationship with him/her.  Spend time and take him/her to many different places. Encourage him/her to see you as a significant part of … Continue reading “Bringing a New Puppy Home”