Teaching Right Turn Box Work
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling
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BOX DRILL – This is a great way to start adding DURATION and sequence your RIGHT turn while still building DESIRE.
- Begin by placing 4 objects such as cones or chairs about 6-10 ft. apart in a box layout or pattern.
- Start each repetition with your dog moving into heel position from play. NO SITS or starts for a sit!
- Practice at a slow pace BEFORE starting to sequence Right Turns in normal heeling pace.
- Start by rewarding your dog in every turn. Doing so will build and maintain DESIRE and Focus during turns.
- Add Duration by doing 2 turns in a row. Then go to 3 turns with a game and then 4 turns with a reward. This is also when you will start to RANDOMLY RREWARD.
- Be sure to cue your dog for each turn and watch your dog’s focus and desire.
- Repetition of the turn will help your dog see and recognize your cues for each turn as well as adding duration in heeling.
- Increase to normal pace ONLY after your dog is focused and confident while doing this drill.
- If your dog is distracted. move further form the cones etc. and make it easier for your dog to succeed while concentrating on the turn. This is also telling you to build more desire as well before getting more distractions.
- If your dog is dropping his head on the right turns. Play more games in the middle of the turn. This will build desire in the turn.
HEELING Training SECRET – The weight shift is the important part of my turn cue. When I shift my weight, I want my dog to understand my change of direction the second I start to shift my weight. Remember that Pivots are the foundations for all turns. NEVER be afraid to review and refresh Pivot skills on a regular basis throughout the career of your dog.
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