Heeling Tips & Tricks #36 – DIG Left Turns Teaching & BuildingĀ  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

36 left dig
DIG Left Turn
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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Often a distraction can cause your dog to lose focus, to worry, or even create a negative experience for your dog.Ā  However, distracting situations are a perfect time for you to turn a possible ā€œnegativeā€ experience for your dog into a ā€œpositiveā€ one.Ā  If trained appropriately, not only will your dog become more confident, but he will ā€œtry harderā€ and learn to focus more intensely on you no matter what the situation.

DIG is an introduction into proofing and can determine how your dog responds to pressure. It is teaching your dog how to be successful when faced with new locations, environments, and or people. In addition, it is teaching your dog that distractions both visual and auditory, are a rewarding cue to your dog.

This skill cannot be rushed! Work on the DIG skill a few minutes in every training session.

DIG ~ Introduce Left Turn

  • BEFORE training the DIG with the Left Turn, make sure your dog needs to know the left turn concept.
  • Start heeling out of play.Ā  RESIST the habit of always starting your heeling with your dog in an SIT!
  • Heel forward staying at least 10-12ā€ laterally from barrier.
  • As you do the Left Turn, reward and release your dog DURING the turn.Ā  The idea is to make the heads up in the turn desirable.
  • PRE signs of a head drop/lose of focus, can include: your dog dropping his head, changing his gait, ears going back, his mouth closed or opened, etc. Basically any sign that he knows you are approaching something.Ā  Your dog may not actually LOOK at the barrier.Ā  In most cases a dog gives ā€œPREā€ signs before actually looking. Your job is to be able to see the PRE signs!
  • Please take your time when teaching and training DIG to your dog.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 37 – Left Box Work Teaching

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #35 – Right Turn Boxes Teaching & BuildingĀ  DESIRE – Perfect Heeling

right box work
Teaching Right Turn Box Work
How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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BOX DRILL ā€“ This is a great way to start adding DURATION and sequence your RIGHT turn while still building DESIRE.Ā Ā 

  • Begin by placing 4 objects such as cones or chairs about 6-10 ft. apart in a box layout or pattern.
  • Start each repetition with your dog moving into heel position from play.Ā  NO SITS or starts for a sit!
  • Practice at a slow paceĀ BEFORE starting to sequence Right Turns in normal heeling pace.
  • Start by rewarding your dog in every turn.Ā  Doing so will build and maintain DESIRE and Focus during turns.
  • Add Duration by doing 2 turns in a row.Ā  Then go to 3 turns with a game and then 4 turns with a reward.Ā  This is also when you will start to RANDOMLY RREWARD.
  • Be sure to cue your dog for each turn and watch your dog’s focus and desire.
  • Repetition of the turn will help your dog see and recognize your cues for each turn as well as adding duration in heeling.
  • Increase to normal pace ONLY after your dog is focused and confident while doing this drill.
  • If your dog is distracted. move further form the cones etc. and make it easier for your dog to succeed while concentrating on the turn.Ā  Ā This is also telling you to build more desire as well before getting more distractions.
  • If your dog is dropping his head on the right turns.Ā  Play more games in the middle of the turn.Ā  This will build desire in the turn.

HEELING Training SECRET ā€“ The weight shift is the important part of my turn cue.Ā  When I shift my weight, I want my dog to understand my change of direction the second I start to shift my weight.Ā  Remember that Pivots are the foundations for all turns.Ā  NEVER be afraid to review and refresh Pivot skills on a regular basis throughout the career of your dog.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 36 – DIG Left Turn

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas atĀ Ask DebbyQ.Ā 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #34 – Teaching & BuildingĀ  DESIRE And Confidence – Perfect Heeling

34 left about
Teaching Left About Turn
Learn How to TEACH & PEFECT Heeling

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  • Have your dog on your left side.Ā  No sit, just play and GO!
  • Take a few steps forward in slow motion, and then start to execute the LEFT ABOUT turn using leash reining to ensure great REA.
  • When teaching, release your dog at different points in the about turn to keep the dog guessing and build desire for the dog to keep his head up throughout the turn.
  • If your dog loses focus or drops his head during the turn, reward MORE OFTEN IN the turn.
  • Make sure the dog is looking up and watching you at all times when making the turn.
  • ALWAYS play and interact with the dog before trying the repetition again.
  • Watch for your dog dropping the head to drive around the turn.Ā  Release earlier in the turn and/or give slight reining motions upwards to keep the dogā€™s head up and/or maintain the visible treat as above to keep dogā€™s head up.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 35 – BOX Drill – Right Turns

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Heeling Tips & Tricks SPECIAL – Teaching & BuildingĀ  DESIRE And Confidence – Perfect Heeling

heel special
Teaching & BuildingĀ  DESIRE And Confidence

Special Christmas – New Locations
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New LOCATIONS are an important part of showing success! Since each ā€œshowā€ is a new location for your dog, make sure to train in new places on a regular basis. Even if you train at the show location, the atmosphere becomes different with new dogs, the extra noise, and the added emotional ā€œhighā€ that goes along with shows.

A new environment adds an additional element to any skill or exercise and actually creates a new experience for your dog. Train in new places so often that arriving and training at new locations becomes common and easy for your dog.

Commit to training in new locations at least a couple times each week. The more often you train in new location the more comfortable both you and your dog will be. Decrease your dogā€™s ā€œwarm upā€ time at the new location by beginning a training session immediately upon arriving at any given location. He should be taught to give you maximum effort and his full attention when you request it and respond to your commands and cues at the drop of a hat!

When you start going to new locations or go to a very distractive location like a soccer game, start training with easy exercises such as having your dog perform tricks or games he loves. Over time and as he gets more comfortable being at new locations, begin to add simple skills to the tricks and games. Make interacting with and watching you fun and exciting. As always, keep your training sessions short and motivating.

Over time and with patience, your dog will become a great performer in any new location!!!

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 34 – Serpentine Introduction

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #33 – Drill Serp Work Intro – Teaching & DESIRE! – Perfect Heeling

33 serp intro
Teaching & DESIRE

Intro Serpentine Work

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Serpentine Heeling Drill ā€“ This drill will help teach your dog how to move forward (drive rear) and still be able to slow forward motion with REA.Ā  This drill also starts adding duration to your heeling.

Serpentine Set Up ā€“ Set out 4-5 cones, posts or chairs approximately 6-8 feet apart and in a straight line. When practicing your footwork, keep an even distance as you go between the cones, posts or chairs. Similarly to the footwork for a figure 8, as you move around one post, look at the next post to help you set your line.

Teaching Serpentine Drill

  • Start with your dog on your left side in a sit, stand or from play.Ā  Resist always starting form a sit position.
  • Begin heeling forward in slow pace.
  • While heeling, make gradual turns around each cone. These are rounded turns.
  • Cue your dog for every turn and watch that your dog is maintaining heel position. I.e., your dog should speedup when turning right, and slow down and pivoting his rear end on left turns.
  • Break and play often while and DURING your serpentine training to keep your dogā€™s desire and focus high.
  • Use reining the leash to help your dog learn your cues and how to stay in heel position.
  • As you both perfect serpentine heeling, begin to practice it in a normal pace.
  • Remember, when you present the reinforcement, the dog gets it, there is no luring or holding the treat by your side as you take steps ā€¦ when the treat comes across, the dog gets it.
  • Energize your dog during training so that your dog maintains his attitude and desire to want to do the skill.Ā  Ā Keep sessions short, fun, and full of energy and play.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – Speical _New Location Use – Building confidence and desire

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #32 – Left TURN Slow – Teaching & DESIRE! – Perfect Heeling

32 left turn slow
Teaching & DESIRE
Left TURN Slow

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Watch to the end for a NEW Training TIP


  • With your standing on your left side and your hand low on the leash close to the snap hook and the leash taut, extra leash can be held in the right hand.
  • Have the palm of your hand flat, hand on the front side of the leash so that you are reining back and slightly towards your body as you make the turn.
  • Take a few steps forward in a SLOW PACE, start to shift your weight to your left leg.
  • As you are doing this, rein back on your leash to help cue your dog rotate his rear to maintain heel position.
  • Release your dog by dropping a toy from under your left arm.
  • Make sure the dog is looking up and watching you at all times when making the turn.
  • Play and interact with the dog before trying the repetition again.
  • Make sure your dog is focused up on you during every step.
  • If the dog is not properly rotating rear, revisit your REA training in other videos posted.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 33 – Serpentine Introduction

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

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Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe,Ā and watch training videos atĀ https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #31 – Right ABOUT TURN Teaching & DESIRE! – Perfect Heeling

right about
Teaching & DESIRE

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Teaching the Right ABOUT TURNĀ 

  • Have your dog standing on your left side in heel position.
  • Take a few steps forward in slow motion, and then start to execute the RIGHT ABOUT turn releasing the dog up in heel position as you start to go into your turn.
  • When teaching, release your dog at different points in the about turn to keep the dog guessing and build desire for the dog to keep his head up throughout the turn.
  • If your dog loses focus or drops his head during the turn, reward MORE OFTEN IN the turn.
  • Make sure the dog is looking up and watching you at all times when making the turn.
  • ALWAYS play and interact with the dog before trying the repetition again.
  • Watch for your dog dropping the head to drive around the turn.Ā  Release earlier in the turn and/or give slight reining motions upwards to keep the dogā€™s head up and/or maintain the visible treat as above to keep dogā€™s head up.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 32 – LEFT TURN Introduction

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Weather isnā€™t so delightful!

Weather is not always ideal for outdoors training.
In fact, it is sometimes downright harsh and inconvenient!
When cruel weather hits, or circumstances make it difficult to risk going outside for training, don’t despair!
There are training activities that you can enjoy with your dog right in the comfort of your warm dry home.

Does your dog want to do something?   Bugging you to train?

Here are a few suggestions to keep you and your dog from going stir-crazy when the weather traps you both indoors.

NoseWork – Scent work with hidden treats
The new sport of NoseWork is quickly catching on. Dogs just love it as it uses their natural ability to find scents with their acute sense of smell. Teaching your dog to discover odors using only his nose is a great game for his body and mind.

To start, set up a few (4-5) boxes or containers (I use plastic containers with holes punched into the bottom). No peeking! With your dog in a different room, place a few treats in one container. Then place all the containers upside-down and about 1 foot apart from each other.

Next, go get your dog. Enter the ā€œscent roomā€ and holding your dog back away from the containers, speak excitedly to your dog and let him go while encouraging him to smell the containers. As he as he pauses at the one with the treats, enthusiastically praise him on his discovery. Open the container and let him eat the treats. Soon, your dog will know what’s expected during this game. Keep adding more containers, space them at farther apart or add different objects other than treats such as your dogā€™s favorite toy or bone, to increase the challenge as your dog’s scent work improves.

Agility ā€“ Rev Settle ā€“ focus and foundations
Doing agility with your dog is great fun. Anyone that does the sport will attest to how quickly the basic foundations can be lost. Being trapped inside is a great time to refresh and revisit basic foundation skills as well as build focus and drive on the stationary skills your dog needs to be successful when showing. My favorite game for start line stays, table or 2o2o are the Ready Set GO! Games.

This is actually a combination of various games and placement of reinforcement. When training for agility, make use of them when leaving your dog for the first obstacle, during a stay on the table or a stop on contacts.

So, what can we do to improve and keep our dogā€™s stays?Ā  Reinforce, reward, and test your dog for good behaviors during practice.Ā  Ā  I have four ways to reward and work on start line stays. Always start close to your dog thus it is great to work on inside.

  • Throw back – The ā€œthrow backā€ is simply throwing back a toy or visible treat to my dog. This can be done at anytime and any distance from your dog. I do accompany the throw back with a ā€œget itā€ release.
  • Go Back – The ā€œgo backā€ is where I go back and reinforce my dog by either feeding him treats (not letting my dog move until verbally released) or releasing for a game of tug. DO be careful your dog doesnā€™t release as you are pulling out your toy or treat!
  • Send Back – The ā€œsend backā€ is to a toy that I pre-placed behind my dog. To start teaching this game, I stop and turn towards my dog as i am leaving him and simply tell him to ā€œget itā€. This is a common way of releasing a dog to a toy or treat.
  • Release forward – ā€œReleasing forwardā€ to the obstacles can quickly become a reward of the highest value. I take special care to reward the stay a lot to balance the value of both staying and driving forward.

Obedience/Rally ā€“ sit/get/down/get and doodling
Two of the best ways to hone your dogā€™s skills and refresh his foundations are with fun active games.

The sit/get/sit/down game is very easy to play. Start with your dog in an active state. IE moving and engaged with you. You can be playing a game of tug or letting your dog chase a cookie that you are moving around in your hand. Ask your dog to sit. The second his rear hits the ground, break into another game. Revv your dog again and go back into an engaging game. Quickly have your dog down. The second he is down, break into another game. Your goal is to create the desire for your dog to sit or drop fast.

Doodling is another fun activity you can do inside on a cold or rainy day. Doodling consists of your dog in heel position and moving with you when you move. I use it to sharpen up pivots, fronts, finishes and so on. It is important to remember to break off often and engage with play and interaction.

Household chores – Teaching him to clean up
skiClean-up can be a lot of fun when your dog knows how to put things away! This game is easy. Scatter a few toys on the floor. Staying close to your dog, encourage him to pick up a toy and bring it to you. Reward every time a toy is delivered. Find each one and put it away in a basket to earn a reward. Start adding different objects to the floor like your dogā€™s food bowl for him to bring to you. After he has learned the bowl trick he can bring you his bowl after meals.

Another alternative is teaching your dog to put toys in a basket. Once your dog is bringing the toys back, teach him to drop it in a basket. Start as you did before and add a basket big enough for your dog to easily come to you and drop the toy. Once he is coming to you and dropping the toy add a command such as ā€œClean-upā€.

Any of the games and training mentioned will be a fun challenge for both you and your dog.Ā  Keep all your sessions fun by rewarding and playing often.

Use the bad weather as a great time to polish and improve your training.

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ.Ā 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe,Ā and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #30 – DIG – Distraction Initiate GAMES! – Perfect Heeling

30 dig
DIG – Distraction Initiate GAMES!
Perfect Step by Step Heeling

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Watch to the end for a NEW Training TIP

Often a distraction can cause your dog to lose focus, to worry, or even create a negative experience for your dog. However, distracting situations are a perfect time for you to turn a possible ā€œnegativeā€ experience for your dog into a ā€œpositiveā€ one. If trained appropriately, not only will your dog become more confident, but he will ā€œtry harderā€ and learn to focus more intensely on you no matter what the situation.

This skill cannot be rushed! Work on the DIG skill a few minutes in every training session.

DIG is an introduction into proofing and can determine how your dog responds to pressure. It is teaching your dog how to be successful when faced with new locations, environments, and or people. In addition, it is teaching your dog that distractions both visual and auditory, are a rewarding cue to your dog.

Pay close attention to discover what your dogā€™s threshold is in a variety of environments and situations! The threshold or distance from a distraction your dog can remain focused may vary. Some dogs work comfortably 10 feet from a distraction while others need more distance or space.

Working with distractions will help your dog become confident and will enable him to concentrate and successfully do his ā€œjobā€ and focus on you in many different situations or new locations. After all, the ā€œringā€ is a continually changing new environment.

DIG ~ Introduce New distractions ā€“ generalize the concept

  • First, you must find your dogā€™s threshold.Ā  Ā Video your training session.Ā  The video will help you see changes in your dog that you can miss while training.
  • Begin heeling from play.Ā  RESIST the habit of always starting your heeling with your dog in an SIT!
  • Heel towards a barrier such as a ring gate, wall, table, or line of chairs.
  • Reward and release your dog at or BEFORE your dog notices or looks at the barrier.
  • After 1 repetition, check your video.Ā  Where did your dog falter or acknowledge the barrier?Ā  Ā In general, most dogs acknowledge 10-12 feet from the barrier/object.
  • How do you know if your dog notices/looks at a barrier?Ā  Ā PRE signs can include: your dog dropping his head, changing his gait, ears going back, his mouth closed or opened, etc. Basically any sign that he knows you are approaching something.
  • Next, get your dog and your distance plan from the barrier.
  • Reminder – No visible treats on this test or when training.
  • While heeling toward a barrier, release and reward at the distance from the barrier noted from the “test”.Ā  Ā Always better to reward further away and build a reward history.
  • Reminder: your dog may not actually LOOK at the barrier. In most cases a dog gives ā€œPREā€ signs before actually looking.Ā  It is Your job is to be able to see the PRE signs!
  • Pick loads of different barriers to heel toward.Ā  Ā The ore the better BEFORE you ever heel closer to any barriers.Ā  Example I might heel and play at 10 feet from 50 different objects over many weeks before ever moving closer.
  • Please take your time when teaching and training DIG to your dog.Ā  Ā It is the JOURNEY and Not the DESTINATION!

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 31 – Right ABOUT TURN

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #29 – Intro Right Turn – Perfect Heeling

29 right turn slow
Building Desire for RIGHT TURNĀ  Ā @

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REMINDER HANDLING – When doing turns, the rule is ā€œTHINK IT, SEE IT, DO ITā€.

Training SECRET ā€“ The weight shift is the important part of a turn cue.Ā  I want my dog to understand my change of direction the second I start to shift my weight.

Teaching the RIGHT TURN ā€“ SLOW PACE

Review and practice the footwork for the Right Turn without your dog before teaching your dog the Right Turn.

  • Start heeling forward slowly.
  • As your weight shift to your right foot, rein forward on the leash.
  • Make sure your dog is attentive up on you throughout the turn.Ā  If needed, use a toy under your right arm to keep your dogā€™s focus up.
  • During or after the turn, reward your dog by releasing up to a treat/toy that is in your right hand held out your side until the second you will release your dog.
  • Play and interact with your dog before trying the turn again.
  • Teach and build DESIRE in the Right turn BEFORE teaching in a normal pace.

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šŸ˜‰šŸ¶šŸ¶šŸ¶ *****Next VIDEO – 30 – DIG – ONE of My Training SECRETS

VisitĀ https://debbyquigley.com/classes/Ā  for Free classes on foundational skills.Ā 

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