FREE Foundations & Skills

How the Online Classroom Works (and why you want to sign up for MY Online classes.)

  • Easy to use with your computer or IPad. Just log on and learn.
  • Spend as much, or as little time as you want each week. You will have access 24/7.
  • FaceBook groups to post questions or comments.
  • Helpful PDF files and training logs, to guide you through training.
  • Quick Feedback on all questions or any videos you post.
  • I teach you how I train, what I do, and what I know that works for all dog breeds.
  • Here are the TOP TEN REASONS why online classes will benefit you and your dog.

Click on the links below to find out more

This section is free for everyone!

Games! A must for all great dogs!

This section is free for everyone!

Building Blocks the Steps to Success!

This section is free for everyone!

Games for a Retrieve!

This section is free for everyone!

Most Common Handling moves for Agility

Success is in the Proofing
PDF available for $9.95
Proofing is the last, and most important step to having success in the ring.