Taking Breaks

relaxWe hear stories about a handler’s dedication to their sport, the hours upon hours of practice, and the conditioning and training for them and their dogs.

We are led to believe that they not only eat, drink, and sleep their sport, but also their sport is on their mind every waking minute.  This leads us to believe that any minute not participating, practicing, or thinking about the sport is time that is wasted.  Additionally, we are told that our more devoted competitors are passing us up.  Thus, when we take a break from training we are lead to believe that it is a lack of commitment on our part. But is it really?

Does Your Dog need Breaks from his regular activity and training?

Participating in just one type of exercise over and over can be physically and mentally harmful to your dog and to you. This type of constant exercise can wear and strain both you and your dog’s muscles. Worse yet it can enhance the risk of major injuries or worse “burn-out”.  Cross-training and participating in other dog sports can often eliminates these issues

Have you considered cross-training with your dog? This simply means engaging him in a variety of different activities to ensure that all his muscle groups get worked. It’s a great way to increase his fitness while reducing the risk of injury.

Dogs, like humans, become conditioned to the same exercise routines. With cross-training, you can keep both you and your dog physically and mentally engaged by incorporating different activities into his fitness routine.

Sometimes our own inactivity can limit our imagination to what we can do with our dogs. However, with some imagination, you can find many types of cross-training exercises.

Here are a few simple suggestions.

  • Swimming.  A great low impact exercise to keep you and your dog physically fit.
  • Balance Ball or disk.  This impact-free workout will improve your dog’s core strength, balance and increase his range of motion. It also helps improve your core strength, balance and range of motion.
  • Core and Balance Work.  There are loads of conditioning drills that are low impact yet very effective for overall conditioning for your dog. Sit up and beg is a great example.
  • Use a dog pack when going on walks. Adding light weight to a dog’s backpack is a great way to intensify your dog’s strengthening workout.
  • Stairs.  Climbing stairs is a great way to work your dog’s leg, shoulder, hip and lower back muscles.  Additionally, stair climbing helps your dog with coordination and agility. Have you ever thought of having your dog go up the stairs backward?
  • Hike.  Wooded or beach areas provide a natural cross-training environment for both you and your dog.
  • Different dog sports. There are many other dog sports available that you and your dog can enjoy. Some of these actives include Obedience, Agility, Nose Work or Tracking, Barn hunt, etc…

Be sure your dog always has a proper warm up and cool down before and after exercising.  Check with your veterinarian before starting any new exercise regime for your dog.

Next, is having your dog take Mental Breaks.  When it comes to dog training it seems that less is more. Research has shown that dogs learn faster when given regular mental breaks during training.

The following training ideas can help you get more out of your training sessions AND give your dog a much needed mental break.

  • Set aside a specific training time.  A few minutes of quality time can go far.
  • Take brief breaks if you are working through a problem. If you are working through a hard scenario with your dog, give him play breaks throughout the session to help relieve stress and keep him motivated to train.
  • Don’t OVER train. When your dog does well, owners are often tempted to push their dog to do more. Resist the temptation and always end your session with your dog wanting more. 
  • Use everyday life situations to get in extra training. Use time you are with your dog to get in some extra training. Sit stays at doors, while vacuuming or watering plants. Recall practice when your dog is in the back yard chasing that squirrel or playing with another dog. Use your imagination!
  • Give play breaks. Give your dog a chance to blow off some steam when he has been working hard. Let him just be a dog so play tug with him, have him chase a ball, etc.
  • Don’t work when frustrated. There are times when dogs struggle with a new skill. It can become frustrating when your dog just isn’t catching on. If this happens, or you’re just having a bad day – take a break for yourself. Go get a drink of water, look at the mail, etc. and come back when your head is clear. Your dog will appreciate the break and the skill will be there when you are in the proper frame of mind to train.

When training your dog keep in mind his mental and physical state. Give the two of you breaks to prevent burn-out and injuries. Try something new that looks interesting and fun. In other words enjoy being with your dog and “enjoy the journey”.

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #5

Heeling tips and tricks # 5 Tuck Sits in Heel Position

video 5
TUCK SITS at Heel Intro

Click Image to take you to YouTube Channel

Teaching the TUCK SIT is free on my website. Under this link —

Laying a GREAT Foundation – Teaching the TUCK SIT

In this video – Intro TUCK-UP SITS


  • Your dog needs to KNOW the tuck sit BEFORE working on the sit at heel.
  • When working on the tuck sit, take ¼ to ½ steps forward in a straight line. Your dog should scoot forward in the tuck sit and remain at your left side.
  • The goal is that the dog move himself forward in a sit as you are moving forward.
  • Goal is for your dog to stay in a stretched sit. That is stretching for the treat.
  • After 2-3 TUCK SITS at your side, release the dog with play, and then do the skill again in the same manner.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- Heeling Progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #4

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REA Progression video #4 –
Starting to get Movement

Click Image to take you to YouTube Channel

  • Box no slip or slick
  • Loads of small treat
  • Toss treat straight out to restart
  • Palm up/load palm down/give treat and palm back up
  • Reward a lot when dog gets on the box
  • LET your dog OFFER to move
  • Work with either right or left hand over box

In this video – REA – starting to get movement –

  • Delaying the delivery the reward randomly to get movement.
  • Reward movement with treat and praise. Your verbal input is valuable!
  • One movement, reward and restart …
  • Have your dog repeat the behavior (go to the box and put his front feet on the box), praise and reward … hesitate to see if dog moves toss.
  • Keep training sessions short; 5-8 reps … if your dog slows down getting back on the box you are either training too long OR not rewarding enough.
  • When you finish each training session, immediately pick up box

In the future we will use the hand appropriate to the side we want the dog’s rear end to move towards.

Look for your dog to quickly run back to and his feet on the box.  The speed in which he runs back to the box tells you the DESIRE your dog has for skill.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- tuck sits

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #3

heeling vid 3
Heeling Tips & Tricks #3
Intro to Rear End Awareness – REA

Like the VIDEO and SUBSCRIBE to Poe’s channel = Building Desire🐶

You need – Rubber feeder bowl – https://amzn.to/3WzcjWp
What you need showing and list —- box comfortable to put front feet on and some treats that dog can eat quickly

REA – The first progression of teaching hindquarter rotation is for your dog to understand the VALUE of placing his front feet on a box, keep his front feet on the box until released. Work a few repetitions each day, feeding a lot and then releasing often.

  • Place 3-5 treats in your right Hand, and with your left arm slightly stretched out so that your hand is over the box, the back of your hand is facing down and your PALM is facing up. Your hand should be slightly higher than the dog’s head and positioned so that it is above the box.
  • When your dog has his feet on the box, praise and turn your hand over quickly to deliver the reward then turn it back up so your palm is up. Give a few treats then restart.
  • Restart new rep by tossing a treat out away from you.
  • Do the same as above but with your right hand above the box.

In the future we will use the hand appropriate to the side we want the dog’s rear end to move towards.

Look for your dog to quickly run back to and his feet on the box.
The speed in which he runs back to the box tells you the DESIRE your dog has for skill.


😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- REA progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

The show is over – NOW WHAT!

Now is the perfect time to evaluate your dog’s and your performances. 

Make some brief notes on the things that went well and those that need improvement. Once you have your list, think about possible solutions of the areas you feel need improvement. Then make a plan that incorporates those solutions for the things your want to improve.

Anyone who is committed to showing well can end up sabotaging their confidence by being too harsh about their dog’s and their performances. So take a serious look at things that worked well and things that need improvement.

When assessing your performance, do you:

  • Only focus on your dog’s and/or your mistakes?
  • Nit-pick your dog’s and/or your performance?
  • Remember any improvements?
  • Ignore any positive accomplishments?
  • Feel dissatisfied even when you did well because you feel like you did not perform up to your expectations?
  • Want to perform perfectly and consider anything less than perfect as a failure?
Instead of looking at the negative aspects of the show, turn your performance into a positive learning experience and start making a plan!

Making a plan

Here are a few questions to answer that will help you begin to improve your showing and planning your training:

  • What is your main reason for participating in your sport?
  • What do you consider the three biggest accomplishments your have had with your dog? (this could be learning a specific trick to a title to winning a show)
  • Name three of your psychological strengths that help you in your sport? (Mental toughness). These could be your stamina, your work ethic, your enthusiasm, etc.
  • Identify three areas of your mental game that you would like to improve and how to improve them. This could be increasing your focus during a run, improving concentration on your dog’s performance, learning to remain calm while showing, etc.
  • Name 3 areas of training you want to improve with your dog. These could be perfecting front and/or rear crosses, fine-tuning heeling or turns, etc.
  • List any goals you want to achieve.

Mental Training is a BIG part of showing

Here are a few mental game strategies to consider:

1. First, be objective about your performance. Avoid letting the emotions take over, such as frustration and anger.

2. Be your own best teacher. Always leave the show with two positive things about your performance. What would help you feel satisfied or more confident?

3. Instead of thinking about all the reasons you failed or messed up, think about what you want to improve in your next week’s training sessions. Be confident knowing that this work will improve areas and help you perform better in the next competition.

4. Stay positive. Do not ruin your confidence with criticism and regret after you compete.
Staying positive and in the right frame of mind will increase your confidence and enjoyment while showing.

How to plan and improve your training: There’s always more to learn.

Place a check next to the activities you do to improve your training and skills:
_______Consistent training and taking classes
_______Watch videos of yourself training and showing
_______Read magazines, articles, online group lists (educational learning)
_______Attend seminars and workshops
_______Log your training sessions and show results. Don’t rely solely on memory to evaluate your progress.
_______Pre-Plan your training sessions. Organize your thoughts and how you are going to train!

The more you practice and study the better you will become!

think mind


Thinking Body, Dancing Mind: Taosports for Extraordinary Performance in Athletics, Business, and Life




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Establishing Goals can be a great motivator:
1. What are your goals for the next year?
2. What are your long term goals? 5+ years
3. What events or shows do you plan to attend in the next year?

While you set your goals keep in mind that they can be adjusted as needed. For example, you want to show at your breed nationals in 6 months. As the entry deadline approaches, you realize that your dog isn’t consistently performing a specific skill to your criteria. Rather than showing and possibly setting your training back, push your goal back to the next show or future nationals. That way both you and your dog will be ready.

After the show, take time and think about yourself, your dog and your performance. What did you do well? How can you improve the skills you feel are needed to help your showing become more what you would like. Developing training logs and goals as well as logging valuable skill information will help you organize your thoughts and improve your training.  Showing after all is a great time to make an assessment of your training.

Show to Train!

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #2

heeling 2
Heeling Tips & Tricks #2
Rapid Fire Eating &
Adding Motion Heeling

This Video includes Rapid Fire Eating & Adding motion Heeling
Poe and I are doing Rapid Fire Treating in the session as well as starting to add the one step value building at my side.

Problem Solving – Dog dropping head to eat treats ….. rapid fire feeding – If your dog drops his head to eat the treat, work on this before proceeding with value building. Deliver the treats making sure the dog’s head remains UP. Deliver the treats very quickly one after the other so that you are continually encouraging your dog to eat the treats quickly one after another. Make it “urgent” for the dog to eat quickly. For added success, make sure the dog is hungry, that the treats are very high value, and the treats are small, soft, and easy to swallow. All dogs CAN eat treats with their head up!!!

Make sure you LIKE & Subscribe to Poe’s channels – helps build desire 🤣🐶

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video-starting rear end awareness

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks series video #1

heeling video 1
Heeling Tips & Tricks series video #1 . ..
Getting a new series launched today!

This video is an introduction –
How I hold treat and the basics needed for a pup/dog to get started ….
How to build DESIRE and Value for being on your left side.
LET me know your thoughts … 😎🐶🐶🐶

🐶 Like the videos and Subscribe for new video release notices..🤩

This video is an introduction …
How I hold treat and the basics needed for a pup/dog to get started ….
LET me know your thoughts … 😎🐶🐶🐶

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- first step

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Gurrrrr. Summer is here.

Don’t know about y’all during the summer months but it gets really HOT here in the south.

During this time of year, I need to plan my dog’s training sessions and conditioning so that we can get the most “bang for our bucks” yet not over heat our dogs.

I know you ask yourself “what is there to do to keep my dogs busy and keep them in shape during the long, hot, dry weather”?  YES, you want to have something up your sleeve to keep your four-legged friends busy, in condition, and out of trouble.

The first thing on my list to do during the hot summer months is to review foundations with my dogs. These are skills that are needed for the venue in which we are getting ready to or are currently showing.

For instance, if I am showing in agility, we will review our contact behavior on a board or the stairs. We can work on start-line stays or simple jump drill skills with one to three jumps.

If we are showing in obedience or rally, we will review pivots which are the foundation of all heeling turns. We can do “Get It” Games to improve any going out and coming back skills such as a dumbbell retrieve or the turn for go-outs.

We can review all the foundation skills that I have used to train my dog. Take a few minutes and remember where your dog’s training started. Write a list of all the foundation skills you used with your dog. If you are having issues when showing, NOW is a great time to brush up on those important skills.

I love to teach my dogs Tricks in the summertime!  Why?  Because Tricks are a great way to exercise my dog’s body and mind.

Tricks such as spin or twirl can help with my dog’s flexibility.  Sitting up and begging can improve my dog’s core strength.

Walking backwards can improve rear end awareness. Picking up toys or dog bowls will improve my retrieves. Whatever you decide to teach your dog will benefit you in some way. Get out your bag of ideas and tricks and train away. Besides, tricks are a super way to impress visitors, kids, any anyone who will watch. Furthermore, they are fun and your dog will enjoy them.
Another area I look at is ways to Exercise my dogs. Keeping fit during the off months is very important and will help prevent injuries in the future. Also, exercises improve balance, endurance, and body awareness. Get pods or foam pads for your dog to stand on for balance. A dog treadmill is great for staying cool while working on endurance and conditioning.

Ladder work teaches your dog how to use his feet. If so inclined, you can work on your balance too.

Let your dog have time off to just be a dog. This is important for your dog’s mental health as well as his physical health. Just like humans, it is good to take a vacation from training and work. Hahahaha. Just take time to let your “hair or ears” down. Activities such as swimming, hiking, going to the beach or just plain “ole” lying around with your feet up in the air make great breaks from training. Find activities that both you and your dog will enjoy and just “DO IT”!

Any of the above suggestions can be built upon and ideas added. Look on the Internet, or buy a book for more ideas. There are LOADS of ways to keep you dog busy and in condition through-out the HOT summer months!

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Why Teach Tricks?

trickTrick training does provide many benefits – to you and your dog:

  1. In the process of learning new tricks you establish a way to learn to communicate with your dog.
  2. Trick training helps to build confident dogs and teaches your dog to experiment and offer behavior  – which is important.
  3. Tricks are a great way for your dog to stay flexible and warm-up before showing.
  4. Trick training is a wonderful way to energize, build attention and focus on your dog.
  5. Tricks can be used to replace bad behavior. For example, if your dog is barking at the door, you could ask your dog to do the trick “get on your bed” to redirect his behavior.

Trick training is important and useful for many reasons.  Always keep in mind that every skill or exercise you teach to your dog is nothing more than a trick.

Teaching your dog to remain next to your side, heeling.  Learn to bring something to you, retrieves.  Getting on and remaining in position, a stay or 2o2o behavior for contacts.  Offering behaviors becomes drive, attention and focus.

So go out and have fun and train a trick TODAY!

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

PLAY! Pt 2

How to Teach your dog how to play.
Here are a few simple guidelines to help
you on your way to a tugging fend!

Bending over your dog can intimidate and even squash his desire to play. For a small dog or puppy beginning by sitting on the floor. If needed, tie a string or light rope to the toy so you don’t have to bend over. Stay at your dog’s level when trying to get him to engage in play.

Resist the urge to push the toy at your dog. Having to chase and work to get the toy is MUCH more exciting than offering and hoping your dog will take the toy. After all, how many times have you seen a squirrel run across the yard and jump into your dog’s mouth?

When playing, make the toy act like it was a live. Enough motion to tease your dog yet not so much the dog can’t successfully grab it. Once tugging, move the toy back and forth to engage the dog instead of up and down. This is more natural for your dog and less stress on their necks.

Be light hearten and have fun, enjoy the journey. Be persistent, don’t give up too early in the early stages, it can take quite some time to get some dogs to engage. Always keep sessions very short and remain patient.

Keep your tug work and your training separate from each other initially. The dog must see the VALUE in playing BEFORE it will become a reward. Do not integrate tugging into your training too early.

With some time, patience, and persistence you CAN have a TUGGING fend.


Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley