Is there a difference between a skill and an exercise?

Is there a difference between a skill and an exercise?

You bet there is! What is the difference between a skill and an exercise???? An “exercise” is something I am required to do in the ring. It is a sequence of skills.  The Drop on Recall, Heeling, courses in Rally or Agility etc.   All of these are exercises.  They are the “Things” we are … Continue reading “Is there a difference between a skill and an exercise?”

Sit/Down ~ Must Have Emergency! Free Webinar

Sit/Down ~ Must Have Emergency! Free Webinar

Anyone that has a dog should have an emergency Sit and/or Down. This skill can save your dog’s life in an dire situation!  Join me for this FREE Live Webinar Random SIT/DOWN are key parts of teaching and having useful tools that you can use to gain control in an emergency situation.    Besides giving … Continue reading “Sit/Down ~ Must Have Emergency! Free Webinar”

Maintaining Focus

Maintaining Focus

Attention and focus can make or break a performance. It is hard for your dog to learn, perform a skill or exercise correctly, if you do not have his complete attention. When training, insist that your dog pay 100 percent attention to you, and be alert for any breaks in focus that may happen. Once … Continue reading “Maintaining Focus”

Getting frustrated when training???

Getting frustrated when training???

Some people grind their teeth or hold their breath while training while others clench their fists or rattle off a string of swearwords. When the frustration of training your dog comes to a boil, there are a countless number of ways to respond. Keep in mind that our dogs can get very frustrated, too! Especially … Continue reading “Getting frustrated when training???”

STOP Shut Down :<(

STOP Shut Down :<(

(Or learned helplessness)! How many times have you heard a trainer comment, “he just shuts down” or “he doesn’t like to work under this condition”? What happens when a dog “shuts down”? Shutting down is when a dog has stopped trying to do what is being asked because he has learned he is never right … Continue reading “STOP Shut Down :<("



DISTRACTION TRAINING (or proofing) builds your dog’s confidence, focus, and attention on you so that your dog can perform a skill any place, anytime, no matter what is happening. During this week we will look at various ways to proof your dog. Training Note: it is not bad for your dog to be wrong. Your … Continue reading “DISTRACTION TRAINING”

Balance in YOUR Training

Balance  in YOUR Training

To establish balance in training, one should understand the difference between “regimented training” and “motivational training.” Regimented training often has precise steps with a beginning and an end. Many times “regimented training” is applied to all dogs regardless of the dog’s maturity, ability and without consideration of the dog’s natural drive or willingness to please. … Continue reading “Balance in YOUR Training”

Getting ready for National Event?

Getting ready for National Event?

I am often asked “how do I get ready for a National event?” A few months before the event, my training sessions start to consist of My Training 3’s. 1 skill, review foundation – example-pick up dumbbell up close, drop/back/down games, etc. 1 skill, build desire – example – adding games to the Broad Jump … Continue reading “Getting ready for National Event?”