Heeling Tips & Tricks #16

16 right pivot intro
Heeling video 16
Handling cues RIGHT Pivot
Footwork & Intro Teaching

PIVOTS are the foundation of ALL turns in heeling whether you are doing Rally or Obedience. I have found that most teams have difficulty performing turns because the handler’s cues are incorrect or inconsistent. These difficulties in turns show up big time when I ask my students for a pivot. When my students do pivots correctly, their turns improve about 90%.
Right Pivot consists of 3 steps. Always start with your foot OPPOSITE to the direction of the turn. I.e., if you are going to pivot to the RIGHT, start with your left foot.

Your pivot should always start and end in the same place.  A small dot on the floor will help you to make sure that your pivot remains in place.

  • The weight shift is the first cue your dog receives so it is VERY important.
  • The second cue is my eyes/head turning to “LOOK” where we are going on my second step.
  • The third cue is the first movement/step I take.

Building desire – When I begin to teach the RIGHT PIVOT, the first thing I want to do is build a DESIRE for dog to LOVE the skill. Same when wanting to improve a skill. When you are building desire, you want to use something the dog loves. In other words, pair what you want them to love with something they already love.

NOTE: If you are wanting to improving turns, first work on your pivots and add loads of games to all steps in the pivot to build DESIRE. In other words, do NOT just reward the end of the pivot or the sit.

Teaching the Right Pivot

  • Have your dog at your left side and place your hand low on the leash close to the snap hook with the palm of your hand flat and your hand on the backside of the leash. This enables you to use a forward reining action.
  • Small dog? Use a solid leash. This is a leash that is attached to a stick or dowel rod. Using a solid lead will aid in the forward pressure.
  • As you think about the weight shift to your right foot, apply reining pressure forward on your leash. Your dog should start movement with the weight shift/leash pressure and BEFORE your left foot leaves the ground!
  • Turn your left foot to make an angled T-step with your right foot. This step will turn your shoulders to the right.
  • NOTE: Make sure that your dog is always watching you at all times when making the turn.
  • Reward your dog by releasing up to a treat or toy to build desire.
  • When training the Right Pivot, reward randomly on the different steps in the turn. I.e., move your first foot and reward, before completing the turn reward, and so on.
  • Only add a sit to the pivot once your dog understands to move with your weight shift and turn while keeping his head up and focused on you.
  • Remember to break and play with your dog during each “step” when teaching ANG training. This will build desire and keep your dog’s head up.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – heeling progression – starting to raise left hand 

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

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Heeling Tips & Tricks #15

15 weight shift
Heeling video 15
Weight Shift
A Turning Secret!

What is the “Weight Shift” – This is the first cue to your dog letting him know you are getting ready to turn and in which direction you will be going.   The cue is when you shift your weight to one leg in order to pick up the other prior to the actual turn.  As you shift your weight, it’s slightly shifts your position to either the right or the left, giving your dog a “cue”.

Teaching Weight Shift

When my dog will readily move with the pressure, I pair leash reining with the Weight Shift.  This teaches my dog the “pre-cue” for all pivots and turns.

  • Start with your dog next to you on your left side (Not in a sit) and  on a short leash with no slack in it.
  • The leash runs from the dog’s collar, up my palm with my thumb holding the leash.
  • For any movement to the left, I place my left hand on the leash with my knuckles forward and shift my weight to my left leg.
  • For any movement to the right, I place my left hand on the leash, but this time my palm is forward, and my weight will shift to my right leg.
  • Little dog? I use a solid leash for small dogs.  This is a dowel rod that has a leash attached to it at both ends.  The handler uses it with the same directions as regular reining on a leash.
  • The only motion is the weight shift, your feet DO NOT move.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – handling cues pivots foot work right pivot build desire  

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #14

heeling 14
Heeling video 14
REA progression – starting to reduce box


  • Review foundations and then reduce height of box by ½.
  • Once your dog is OVER ROTATING his rear end, it is time to gradually reduce the height and size of the box.
  • If using a book, rip off half of the pages making the book half as tall.
  • Continue to train the REA until your dog is consistent with the skill.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – Adding Auto Sits – Halts

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #13

13 heel progression
Heeling video 13 –
Progression Heeling 20+ Steps


Heeling progress – Straight-line HeelingIncreasing the number of steps.  Random rewarding 20 + steps

  • Hold your right hand on 3-6 small treats in your right hand and your RIGHT hip about waist high.
  • Play with your dog and fall into heeling. Doing so will help build DESIRE and FUN into heel work.
  • After play, start moving forward at slow than a normal pace.
  • Deliver reinforcement by varying how many steps you take BEFORE you give a treat.
  • Randomly break and play. That is sometimes release on the first step, sometimes on the 3rd, sometimes on the 10th, and so on.  MAKE IT RANDOM and keep the dog guessing.
  • Watch delivery of the reinforcement. Remember – placement of rewards can help OR hurt your training


  • Resist starting heeling with your dog on a sit.
  • When you move a treat to your left hand, your dog gets it, there is no luring or holding the treat by your side as you take steps.
  • Make sure your dog is keeping his head up as he eats the treat, this is extremely If this is still an issue, go back to the information provided on Week 1 “Rapid eating” for how to teach your dog to eat a treat with his head up.
  • Energize and play OFTEN with your dog during training so that your dog maintains his attitude and desire to want to train.
  • Keep sessions short, fun, and full of energy and play.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – REA Progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #12

heeling 12
Heeling video 12 –
Intro Leash Reining

Leash Reining Intro

NOTE: Leash Pressure is good to condition BEFORE adding reining to pivots or turns.

Leash Reining is a great tool to use for turns and pivots. I rein my dog to teach and refine position.

  • Pressure n the taught leash is applied from your hand and wrist, NOT your arm.   Taught leash, pressure is back OR forward.
  • Have your dog next to you in heel position.  Sit is NOT recommended.
  • Apply a constant light pressure in the direction you want your dog to go.
  • The pressure is light and constant until your dog moves.
  • Praise and reward your dog for any movement due to the leash pressure.
  • Example: Apply pressure back on the leash until my dog moves backward.
  • Take frequent play breaks to relax your dog and continue to build desire.


  • Reining the leash up.  Use pressure with your leash lateral to your dog’s topline when standing.  The correct reining will get the best results.
  • Visible treats. Often treats in your hand will distract your dog and prevent the motion desired.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – Progression Heeling 20+ steps

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #11

heeling 11
Heeling video 11 –
Adding Tuck Sits to Heeling


Adding Halts to Heeling
Halts are not added to heeling until the dog understands how to do a tuck sit, understands the halt cue footwork, AND the dog understands how to heel and maintain proper alignment aligned with the handler’s body.
All skills are taught and polished independently before integrating them.

  • If your dog understands the TUCK SIT add to short straight line heeling i.e. a few steps 2-4.
  • Heel ONLY 2-4 steps.
  • As your left heel is getting ready to hit the ground (1/2 step)
  • Say SIT
  • Your dog should quickly SIT!
  • Make sure your dog keeps his head up as he is moving forward and into the sit.
  • When working on the tuck sit, you will be taking a few steps forward in a straight line and the dog should sit on your verbal and body cue and NOT AFTER you stop.
  • The goal is that the dog sits BEFORE you actually stop.
  • Release and play with your dog between each sit

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video – Leash Reining

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #9

heeling tips tricks 9
Heeling progression – 1-16 steps
Random Rewarding


Heeling progress – Straight-line Heeling – Increasing the number of steps.


  • Hold your right hand on 3-6 small treats in your right hand to load left hand as you are heeling and watch delivery of the reinforcement.
  • Review the value building phase once before progressing and break and play.
  • After play, start moving forward at slowly, deliver reinforcement randomly and vary how many steps you take before releasing (sometimes release on the first step, sometimes on the 3rd, sometimes on the 10th, MAKE IT RANDOM, keep the dog guessing).
  • When you have delivered all the treats, release and play with your dog.
  • Resist starting heeling with your dog on a sit.
  • When heeling, make sure your dog is keeping his head up as he eats the treat, this is extremely important. If this is still an issue, go back to the information provided on Week 1 for how to teach your dog to eat a treat with his head up.
  • Energize your dog during training so that your dog maintains his attitude and desire to want to do the skill.
  • Keep sessions short, fun, and full of energy and play.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- Handling Cues – Halts

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #8

heeling tips 8
Handling Cues
FOR the Person only

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General and Straight-Line Heel work – For your dog to do his part when heeling, you must also do your part.

  • What hand positions are acceptable – On leash vs. off leash
  • Body posture –
    • shoulders straight,
    • look 2-4 feet in front of you,
    • head slightly down,
    • see dog out of periphery vision
  • How to properly walk when heeling –
    • heel-ball-toe,
    • keep your feet in your space and pointing forward,
    • have a ‘rhythm’ for you heeling. Use a metronome, think of a song that has the beat that you need to heel, etc.
  • Make sure you are walking in a straight line!!!
  • When you start heeling, take your first step with your LEFT leg.  To gain momentum for this first step, have your weight on the balls of your feet and push off with your right foot.
  • Practice and video your footwork so you will be consistent and comfortable with your heeling cues.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- Heeling Progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #7

Heeling tips and tricks # 7

heeling tip tricks 7 
REA – Moving to side

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REA Progression dog moving to side

The progression of teaching hindquarter rotation is for your dog to understand the value of placing his front feet on a box, and anticipate going  to the right or the left.


  • The speed in which he runs back to the box tells you the DESIRE your dog has for skill.
  • Place 3-5 treats in one Hand, and with other hand is over the box, with the back of your hand is facing down and your PALM is facing up and your hand slightly higher than the dog’s head.
  • Reward A LOT when your dog first gets on the box.
  • Use delay of reward to get your dog moving more and more.
  • Restart often by tossing away from you
  • Dog runs and puts feet on box with immediate reward.
  • After a few treats, hesitate rewarding to kick in frustration factor.
  • Dog moves, praise and reward, hesitate again.  Feed again for motion.
  • Restart and repeat, feed, hesitate, feed hesitate, restart.
  • Work with both hands and dog moving to either side.
  • Keep training sessions short.
  • Work with dog going to both right or left side
  • Immediately pick up the box after training

GOAL – for your to hurry onto the box and ANTICIPATE going to your side. 

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- Handling Tips

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley

Heeling Tips & Tricks #6

video 6
Heeling Progression – Increasing the number of steps & new location. (1-6 steps slowly)

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Add in Training new low distracting locations

Points to Remember

  • Start your heeling with dog in stand or going into heeling from play (i.e. while in motion).
  • Make sure you are playing 3xs more play than work.
  • Energize your dog during training so that your dog maintains his attitude and desire to want to do the skill.
  • Keep sessions short, fun, and full of energy and play.

In this video – Heeling Progression Increasing the number of steps & new location. (1-6 steps )

  • Have small, soft, very high value treats, toy under left arm.
  • Review the value building phase before starting to add motion.
  • Resist starting heeling with your dog in a sit, this is demotivating!
  • Start moving forward at slow pace, deliver reinforcement, add 1-6 steps randomly rewarding different steps.
  • Play between each reps – 1 second work = 3 seconds of play.
  • Pay close attention to your delivery of the reinforcement when moving.

😉🐶🐶🐶 *****Next video- REA Progression

Visit https://debbyquigley.com/classes/  for Free classes on foundational skills. 

Please leave comments or email me with future article ideas at Ask DebbyQ. 

Visit my Youtube LIKE & Subscribe, and watch training videos at https://www.youtube.com/@DebbyQuigley